Eco Promotional Products understands trees are essential to life. Trees provide oxygen, improve air quality, benefit the climate, conserve water, preserve soil and support wildlife just to name a few fundamentals. For every invoiced order, no matter how small, Eco Promotional Products dedicates a tree planting in the name of the company or individual through Trees for the Future.

In our 10+ year history, Eco Promotional Products has planted nearly 20,000 tree seedlings across the world on behalf of our customers. We are currently participating in the Trees for the Future’s Forest Gardens in Senegal. These trees will give families the ability to transition from destructive farming techniques to a Forest Garden system that not only sustains and empowers them but changes their lives forever.

The Forest Garden Program is a sustainable agriculture practice where farmers plant a specific variety of crops and trees in phases over a four-year period.

What is the Forest Garden Approach?

The FGA is one of the most efficient and effective agricultural development tools used today. TREES’ four-year, phased program works directly with impoverished farmers to develop their own agroforestry practices. These practices can generate an average income increase of 400 percent while benefiting the environment. The Forest Garden is a multi-tiered mixture of trees, shrubs, and crops that grow on about two acres of land. Locally-based technicians are trained to work on the ground with groups of farming families. They design Forest Gardens that will maximize fruit and crop yields and provide consistent income and nutrition while also improving the quality of the land being farmed.

You can learn more about Trees for the Future Forest Garden in this inspiring video.

Eco Promotional Products is proud to contribute to Trees for the Future’s goal,  breaking the cycle of poverty and eradicating hunger for 1 million people by planting 500 million trees in 125,000 Forest Gardens by 2025.

Since 1989, Trees for the Future has been helping communities around the world plant trees. Through seed distribution, agroforestry training, and country programs they have empowered rural groups to restore tree cover to their lands. Planting trees protects the environment and helps to preserve traditional livelihoods and cultures for generations. Trees for the Future is an agroforestry resource center helping people improve their rural livelihoods. This is aided by the introduction of environmentally sustainable land management projects focused on beneficial tree planting.

Planting trees on degraded lands improves lives. Through Trees for the Future’s network of technicians, volunteers, and community leaders world-wide, their program reaches remote areas and gives local people the knowledge and ability to rehabilitate their environment. Through donations Trees for the Future, the organization is able to help people plant multi-purpose, fast-growing, ecologically appropriate tree species. By choosing species tailored to the needs of the local communities they create agroforestry systems that rebuild worn soil reduce erosion, replenish groundwater aquifers and create microclimate conditions that encourage the return of indigenous species.

Trees for the Future is also actively involved in educating students and communities about global issues, our role in the environment, and energy efficiency. Trees for the Future calculates their trees remove approximately one million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere each year.

The Giving Continues!
Over the years, Eco Promotional Products (EPP) has donated to many worthy charities and we match employee donations to double the charitable donation. To help inspire young people, we have donated loads of youth oriented promotional products for annual Earth Day and America Recycles Day celebrations. Additionally employees have volunteered their time for different causes important to them. Team members have volunteered at schools, food pantries, litter clean up events, animal shelters and more. As a team, we have fostered and found homes for dozens of dogs and even one rabbit. Sponsorships and non-profit discounts are given on a regular basis.