Eco Promotional Products, Inc. understands our children are the future. We have provided a set of fun questions you can use to help teach children how our behavior may impact our environment. Please feel free to use these questions and suggestions to guide you to valuable discussions with your youth. For further information on our references or how to get more information like this, please email:
Suggestions on How Kids Can Make a Big Difference
Save on Gas
- Ride bikes versus taking a car
- Car pool
- Take mass transit
- Combine trips
- Walk, when you’re in close proximity
Save on Electricity
- Turn off lights when you leave the room
- Turn off electronics when not in use or even better, unplug them
- Install energy efficient light bulbs
Save on Water
- Take shorter showers
- Avoid over flushing the toilet
- Don't run the tap when brushing your teeth
Save on Gas & Electricity
- Close window shades
- Wear a sweater to stay warm
- Turn AC up in the summer
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse
- Recycle. Find out from your local municipality what is allowed
- Buy less. Buy what you need
- Buy recycled or green products
- Donate used items
Kids Climate Action Plan
Adults aren't the only ones who can make a positive impact on our planet. There are many ways to get children involved in making our Earth a better place. Below is a list of actions kids can get involved in that was part of an Earth Day educational lesson for children at an after school program called Aprendiendo/Jugando (Learning/Playing) at Hawthorn’s School of Dual Language in Vernon Hills, IL.
- Slow down climate change – the increase in earth’s temperature is wreaking havoc for our plants, animals, humans & the environment
- Plant trees & plants – they help absorb the carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere
- Drive less – walk, bike, carpool, take public transportation
- Save trees – get bills, magazines and books online. Let the trees soak up carbon dioxide
- Save Earth’s natural resources – as our population grows, so does our demand on the earth to give us light, water, heat and food. We don’t want to run out.
- Use less heat and air-conditioning – dress for the weather instead of turning up or down the thermostat
- Save Electricity – turn off lights, unplug small machines – just being plugged in uses energy
- Save Water – turn off water while brushing teeth (save up to 25 gallons of water), shorten your shower (save up to 150 gallons of water), and turn off water while you lather your hands
- Reduce Your Plastic Usage – Plastic bags, bottles & containers are polluting our oceans and land causing harm to humans, animals & plants
- Use a reusable water bottle – reduce plastic pollution
- Bring a reusable bag to the grocery store
- Bring homemade lunch to school – instead of lunchables, pack a healthy lunch in reusable containers
- Reduce, Reuse & Recycle – The human population is growing so fast and our earth can’t keep up with all of our garbage
- Ask parents to help create a recycling program – Find out the rules in your city and keep as many items out of the garbage. Typical items that can be recycled: newspapers/mail, cans, glass & plastic bottles and containers
- Recycled old batteries & electronics – ask parents to help find places in town that take these harmful products out of our land and oceans
- Start a school recycling program – talk to teachers and principle of your school. Work together to save our planet
- Start a compost at your house – great place to put your uncooked vegetable peelings and fruit cores and skins. Use it as fertilizer on you own garden
- Respect planet Earth – Planet earth gives us what we need for a healthy life – show it back that we are grateful
- Keep earth clean and it will treat us all better – Don’t litter, pick up garbage that’s lying around. This is like a huge hug to the planet
source: Footprints Conservation Society