Biodegradable Cellulose Sponge Full Color

Product Description
This useful eco-friendly sponge is made from cellulose biodegradable sponge and allows for full-color custom imprint. Sponges come compressed, simply add water for the sponge to expand. Small and light weight, great for a direct mail item. They are reusable, biodegradable and sustainable. Create your own custom design for a retail inspired product. For every sponge sold, an equal amount of product will be donated to NAEIR to support schools, non-profits, and churches.
- Biodegradable
- Eco-friendly promo
- Sustainable Promotional Product
More about our materials and factory for this item: regrinds all plastic scrap and all sawdust is collected and recycled into products, such as bedding for horses. 100% post consumer boxes are used for shipping. They conduct regular overseas audits, have a paperless workflow and switched to all LED lighting.
Decoration Details
Production Time
Estimate your shipping cost:
Biodegradable Cellulose Sponge Full Color
200+ | 500+ | 1000+ | 2500+ |
$3.81 | $3.51 | $3.20 | $3.04 |