Hosting a New Year’s Eve Party? Ditch the Disposable Drinkware
New Year’s Eve is right around the corner. If you’re planning a New Year’s Eve party, take the advice of any party planner and provide your guests will real glassware. Not only will your guests appreciate drinking from of real glass, you will be helping the environment at the same time. Whether your party is an elegant dinner party or a casual get together among friends, there is no need for disposable drinkware.
Glass is one of the few materials that can be recycled infinitely. While glass can be recycled, it is often sent to landfill when placed in single-stream curbside recycling bins. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution details the dilemma of glass recycling and says many recyclers consider glass a contaminant because it is frequently broken during the recycling process. Broken glass can damage perfectly good recyclables like paper and it can damage costly recycling center equipment. Currently 10 states have bottle bills where consumers are given money to recycle bottles. If you don’t live in a state with a bottle bill and want to ensure glass products are recycled, look for local drop-off collection sites.
Reusable glassware does not have to be expensive. Ikea sells glass wine and champagne glasses for less than $1 per piece. Thrift stores also carry an abundance of drinkware in all shapes, sizes and colors for a shabby chic party. A variety of unique glasses will keep guests from taking someone else’s drink by mistake. Professional event planners love to supply Eco Promotional Products’ USA Made tasting glasses for their functions. Attendees use the glasses at events and then take them home as a party favor.
When planning an eco-friendly party, consider what you are serving. A festive champagne punch or sangria can be served in a reusable punch bowl. For beer drinkers, offer a keg that can be poured into reusable glasses or fill reusable growlers with beer from your favorite local brewery. Not only are you reducing waste, you are also supporting the local economy. If you prefer to offer individual beers, aluminum cans are always easier to recycle than glass bottles.
Education is key to any recycling initiative and the same holds true for recycling at your party. Guests will most likely ask where the trash is. Set up a trash/recycling station with festive signs designating what should be placed in the trash and what should go into recycling, especially if you live in a state with a bottle bill. This eliminates the hassle of having to sort the morning after.
Make a resolution to be greener in 2016. The smallest individual efforts can make a big difference.